Thursday, 23 of January, 2025

Promotion of the results of research works
Publishing activity

The Institute edits the "Technical Textiles" magazine since 1993; ISSN–1230–7491. It is unique periodical in Poland, on the technical textiles and its mission is to disseminate technical knowlege of textile industry - the matter important to the economy and society. The publisher's main intention is to extend the knowledge on technical textiles and to make their users familiar to application possibilities, to new assortments of products made of new raw materials and with new technologies - unknown or never applied in Poland. The subject-matter of printed articles covers mainly the products designed for protecting life and health of people working for the national defense or interior security, for Fire Brigades and for Border Guards. It concerns anti-ballistic and impact-resistant protection, flame retardant clothing and equipment, clothing to protect against chemical and biological agents, protective clothing for maritime economy. The magazine brings articles from experts from scientific and research institutes home or abroad, that deal with similar matters. The "Technical textiles" quarterly has its regular readers and subscribers. It is submitted to the Main Library in Paris, National Library in Warsaw, Library of the Universities of Lodz, Torun and Opole and to the Library of Technical University of Lodz. The magazine is also excellent medium to promote the results of sientific and research works executed within MORATEX Institute.

Dissemination of achievements of science and technology

The Institute's output lists more than 300 technology solutions introduced to the industry practice. MORATEX has been many times awarded medals, diplomas, statues, cups ang dratulation letters for achievements.
The results of Institute's research works are being presented at the exhibitions, shows and scientific simposia both home and abroad. The inmplementations of research works results to the industry are every year awarded with 5 up to 10 awards at prestigious exhibitions.

Reaching the Certificates

The care for high quality of developed products enables the Institute to obtain the certificates from other certification centres; i.a. Central Institute for Labour Protection in Warsaw, Military Institute of Armament Technology in Zielonka, Scientific and Research Centre for Fire Protection in Józefów, Military Institute of Chemistry and Radiometry in Warsaw, Saxon Textile Research Institute in Chemnitz, Germany.
Public Information Bulletin
ITB Moratex   |   M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 3, 90-505 Łódź, POLAND    |   Copyright © 2007